Following are some tips when using your Jora Composter. Additional information can be found in the Operation Manual, which you can downloaded on this site.
Placement and accessories
- Place your composter within close proximity of your kitchen to make composting more convenient.
- If your composter is placed on soft ground it will very likely sink into it as you fill it up, therefore, place it on a hard surface.
- Keep a bin with a lid next to the composter for keeping sawdust or wood pellets dry and handy.
- You may get some dripping of liquid from the machine so it is advisable to place a tray underneath your composter.
Kitchen waste
- Waste should be added to the unit frequently (every day or two) in small quantities – NOT in large quantities.
- For best results, all waste should be chopped into small pieces before it is put into the composter. This is important, as it will greatly reduce the decomposition time of the waste. If you are particularly conscientious about cutting up and mixing and monitor the process closely, it is possible for the unit to cope with lager volumes of waste than given.
- Don’t let waste get too wet, drain your kitchen waste before putting it into the composter.
- Don’t let the waste get to dry, therefore, be careful not to add too much of the wood pellets at one time.
- When you are sorting your kitchen waste, only add what you are sure is compostable. If you are unsure about anything, don’t put it in!
- Bear in mind that if you wish to use the compost produced from your Joraform Composter to grow vegetables, do not add anything to the unit that will pollute the compost (i.e. sawdust from treated timber).
Avoid fuss and mess
- Check the air vents regularly and keep the holes clear from waste and compost mixture.
- If there is a strong smell of ammonia, add a small amount of wood pellets or sawdust as the mixture is probably too wet.
- Without oxygen the mixture inside the tumbler will start to rot, therefore, it is important to rotate it from time to time.
- If you are starting your Joraform composter during winter months and especially if you have a small quantities of waste, it may help to add some hot water to the first chamber to help generate the initial heat build-up.
- As a result of the high temperatures that have developed in the unit, the waste will be so thoroughly composted that it can be used directly on the garden as a mulch or soil improver.
Overview of a working Jora composter
Look inside your Jora composter regularly!
- Heat should be present from within the first week of use.
- If lumps have developed in the compost, brak them apart with a hand rake.
- If the material is too dry moisten it using water.
- Add the woodpellets in the correct ration (!:10 pellets to waste)
- Close the lid and rotate the unit at least once.