The Insulated Jora Compost tumbler, designed in Sweden, enables composting at home quick, simple, and rodent- and odor-free. The Jora has two champers; fill one while the other continues its unbroken cycle of decomposition and is ready for use when it is full. After filling your first side, you can have landscape-grade compost in as little as 4–8 weeks. Visit our assembly video and review the official PDF instructions before assembling your composter.
Unlike any other bin, a Jora Composter will take almost all types of kitchen waste. Because of insulation, the inside of your Jora will reach high temperatures and you can add things that most other composting methods can’t handle like citrus, meat, cooked foods, and even bones. Your Jora will effectively compost waste from fruits and vegetables, your garden scraps, cut grass and dry leaves.
1. Choose the perfect place for your compost tumbler
Why? Positioning your rotating compost tumbler on level ground, ideally in a shaded spot to prevent over-drying, is essential. Because it makes it easier for you to add food scraps and other compostable materials regularly.
A good tip: The perfect place for your compost tumbler is somewhere convenient, like near your kitchen or garden. Accessibility for adding materials and turning the tumbler is also important. Proper placement is vital for maintaining optimal conditions, ensuring efficient decomposition, and successful compost production.
2. Know your kitchen waste like a pro
Why? Cutting waste into smaller pieces before composting will greatly reduce the decomposition time of the waste. At the end of the cycle, you may find the occasional waste that doesn’t compost in time by sifting through your fresh compost.
A good tip: Keep your kitchen waste chopped small for better absorption. A few tricks on your cutting board before throwing it into your compost bucket will help with faster assimilation! It is also best to avoid sharp twigs and sticks as they may damage the insulation.
If not composting: Best to dispose. Remember, if you’re unsure if it composts, it is best to dispose!
If certain items, like avocado pits or bones, aren’t composting quickly enough, simply leave them in the composter for another composting cycle while you utilize the rest of your fresh compost in your garden, planters, lawn, trees, or hedges.
3. Keep waste at the right temperature!
Why? This will, in time, become second nature to you in your composting journey. For now, we got you covered.
A good tip: Waste should be added to the unit frequently (every day or two) in small quantities only. To avoid the waste getting too wet, drain your kitchen waste before putting it into the composter. To avoid the waste getting to dry, be careful not to add too much of the wood pellets at one time. It’s a game of balance, and you will certainly get there soon. Head to our Troubleshooting page for more.
4. Incorporate carbon to each input of kitchen scraps.
Why? Temperatures in the Jora Composter can reach 160 degrees Fahrenheit. We know you want to compost as much nitrogen-rich materials (called green because they are fresh and moist) as you can, but it needs to be balanced with a carbon source (called brown because they are dry)! The absolute biggest problem with composting is that we don’t add enough carbon sources!
Yes, sometimes twice as much carbon is required to ensure the proper balance of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen for those microbes to thrive!
Every time you add kitchen scraps, add a bit of carbon and give the tumbler a few turns to add oxygen and assimilate the working microbes into your new waste. Keep an eye on how wet the compost is and remedy when necessary. Keep a bin with a lid next to the composter for keeping sawdust or wood pellets dry and handy.
5. Choose the best carbon source for you
Why? Varying on where you’re from, the ways you add carbon will differ. Some urban areas have a lack of deciduous trees and dead leaves. We share our favorites below.
A good tip:
For suburban dwellers: Leaves, sawdust, shredded trees, etc.
For urban dwellers: We recommend wood pellets which is compressed pine pellets (or sawdust). At Jora, we recommend bedding pellets through a local feed store, which will likely beat any online prices.
At Jora Composters, we use MegaZorb Bedding Pellets. These are horse bedding pellets as they are inexpensive and contain no glues or harmful chemicals. There are other brands, perhaps online or a local horse feed store. We insist to make sure they contain only wood or wood and zeolite – no chemicals!
***A great idea would be to add some of these pellets to the bottom of your compost bucket before putting it in your composter!
A popular supplement :
A less expensive way to add carbon to your composter is paper! Newspaper, paper bags and toilet paper rolls. However, it needs to be finely shredded (like confetti!). Otherwise, it bunches up and forms a ball. So we consider this a helpful supplement (you’ll need a considerable amount), not a substitution!
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Also Read: What Can and Cannot Be Composted in a Jora Composter?